
良好, 不是真的杀, 刚刚打倒. 但它使标题好听.

在其他新闻, 微软终于打倒Rustock的做一些正确的事情, 引起感染数百万台计算机和一个僵尸网络发送大量的垃圾邮件. Rustock的之一。 (如果不是的) 在世界上最大的垃圾邮件网络.

微软 (和一些联邦调查局) 搜查在美国和一些托管设施拿了下来,指示受感染的计算机发送垃圾邮件的服务器.

你可以阅读更多在 CNET.


照常, 我厌倦了,所以我写了一个在JavaScript游戏. 这是一个称为迷宫角色扮演游戏 (你可以找到它 这里) 它遵循一个迷失在一个山洞里的家伙是谁. 你一定要收集棒摧毁万桶, 木板越过水, 彩色门的钥匙, 多.


Playing Level 10 of Labyrinth
演奏水平 10 迷宫

我知道这是可怕的绘制, 但我画了自己的一切. I’m such a bad artist that it’s a miracle that the key even looked like a key. And that glowing yellow/orange/red thing is a lantern.

Internet Explorer的 9 出

Well done, Bill, you’ve finally done something right. Internet Explorer的 9 is now out and can be downloaded from microsoft.com. Here’s the catch: it only works on Windows Vista and 7.

Let me repeat that:

It only works in Vista and 7. It doesn’t work in XP.

Thoughts on the new browser

For one thing, it’s a lot better than Internet Explorer 8, although that isn’t saying much. To be honest, it’s actually decent; Internet Explorer can now compete with the other popular browsers like Firefox and Chrome.

Here’s what really matters:


I was bored (and my calculator was out of batteries), so I figured I’d take a crack at developing a web-based calculator. (You can find it at hathix.com/etc/calculator. Basically, you can enter some commands (variable declarations or function calls) and the calculator will use JavaScript power to find the answer.

The neatest thing about the calculator is that it has some built-in functions (anything from finding a number’s square root to finding the LCM of two numbers to finding the solutions to a quadratic equation.)

Here are some commands you can enter into the calculator and what they do:

7-拉链: 一个免费的方式来解压缩文件

我的父母刚刚下载了一个压缩文件从 因特网 (不知道这是什么, 我认为,一个安装程序什么的。) 但是,这是题外话, 重要的是,他们需要将它解压缩,使他们能够访问里面的文件. 他们下载 WinZip的, 它可以让你解压缩文件.

所有的 好, 右? 唯一的问题是,它费了很多. $30, 其实. 这似乎并不像很多, 但是拇指与软件的一般规则是:

如果你拿出你的信用卡下载的东西, 你可能没有付出太多.