Android, open source operativni sustav za telefone / tablete, je postao dobro poznati po svojoj nevjerojatno sladak verziju nadimaka – svaka verzija je nazvana po desert, i oni idu po abecednom redu. Do sada su imali Cupcake, Uštipak, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, and KitKat (the latest one.)
Google must employ a team of geniuses to make these version names. So I’m going to try my hand at making some potential names. Here are a few I’ve thought of, in order:
- Lemon Drop
- Milkshake/Muffin
- Nougat/New York Cheesecake
- Oreo
- Popsicle/Peppermint/Pecan Pie
- Quickbread
- Raspberry/Rice Pudding
- S’mores/Sundae/Shortcake
- Tiramisu/Toffee
- Upside-Down Cake
- Vanilla Bean
- Waffle/White Chocolate
- Xocoatl (Aztec for chocolate)
- Yogurt
- Zabaione (fried Italian dessert)
Who knows, maybe Android will use one of these? (A guy can hope, pravo?)