Na “socijalne” medij, slabih veza, i Snapchat priče

How social media is designed to help you build relationships with acquaintances, and why Snapchat (yes, that Snapchat) is the most effective social media platform

It was late enough that I’d stopped thinking for the night, so I proudly proclaimed to my nearby friends that I was getting a Snapchat account. It had always struck me as a bit vapid and narcissisticyou’re swapping carefully-chosen selfies with others to try and win favorbut I figured I’d give it a go.

But I quickly learned that Snapchat, like any other social media platform, gives rise to a number of use cases that the creators probably never intended. (Na primjer, Twitter probably never foresaw that it would contribute to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.) What I saw was this: Snapchat and other social media platforms are surprisingly effective ways to grow and maintain your network of weak ties (acquaintances) by reducing the costs of communication and increasing the number ofhooks,” or chances to strike up conversation, you have. All social media can do this, but Snapchat, by its very nature, is the king of this.

Zašto je stalo web razvoj?

Reci želite pisati o tome kako strašan vaš ljubimac toster je i objaviti ga svi vide. Reci želite da aplikaciju na kojoj korisnici mogu komunicirati sa svojim vlastitim virtualni ljubimac tostere. Reci želite početi sa prodajom kućne ljubimce tostera online Jednom kada ste uvjereni svima koliko super su.

U ovom slučaju, I’d probably be a bit concerned about your sanity. Ali, more importantly, you’d want to learn some web development – to je, the art of creating web pages like the one you’re viewing right now.

Neka izvor bude s tobom: uvod u open source softvera

Funny open-source cartoon with Tux
Open source softvera: svako može uređivati ​​i učiniti ga još više super. Evo oronulom zašto.

Open source softvera. Sounds like another tech buzzword like agile development, MVC okvira, vodopad modela, i tako dalje.

Ali stvarno, it’s much more cool than all of those.

Jednostavno rečeno, open source software is software that anyone can edit. And because of that, it’s awesome. Read on to see how your favorite open source software (Firefox and Android, na primjer) works.

How it works

I think it’s easiest to explain open-source software with a little story. Get some popcornthis has action, drama, and copyright infringement.

Uvod u web razvoj

HTML 5 logo on an iPhone smartphone with app icons around it in a cloud
Dobrodošli na web.

Natrag u mom danu (U redu, prije moj dan), profesije web developer je niska jedan. To rangirana ispod štene mrzitelj, ali iznad Yankees ventilatora na skali od profesionalne časti. Zbog sve oznake i transparentnost spacer slike smo, Smatrali su nas sirove hakeri bez smisla za estetiku.

Dobro, možemo još uvijek nedostaju u estetskom smislu, ali kao Web razvio tako ima profesiju web developer. Ovih dana postoji bezbroj alata možemo koristiti da bi dobro napisan, standardi-u skladu, i lijepa (U redu, Možda to nije poslednji) web stranice. Većina velikih web stranica koristite danas (besramna plug: uključujući i ovaj jedan) se grade pomoću ovih alata.

HTML5, CSS3, i JavaScript: budućnost web

Before I start, a brief trip through history

To je 1999. Internet Explorer 5 is hot stuff, the tech bubble is growing. And Mariano Rivera is World Series MVP. And young (gasp.)

A web developer sits at his computer, drinking coffee and writing some code. He wants to make a browser-based game. The only way he can do this is to use Adobe’s Flash platform to make an interactive movie and embed that in his website.

He wants to put a video on his site too. YouTube sounds like the name of a cheesy subway line, nothing more. Our developer has to make a Flash movie for that, suviše.

Bing: mali motor koji… nije mogao?

Ako ste kupili elektronski uređaj u posljednjih godinu dana, ćete uočiti da Microsoft je nudili svoje tražilice Bing više nego što sam hawk svoje proizvode. (Na potpuno nepovezane note, download Jarac, slobodno i open-source Flashcard programa.)

To je sve dobro i dobro, jer ti dozvoljeno reklamiranje, but Microsoft really goes to the extreme:

  1. Microsoft signed a deal with Blackberry so that Bing would be the only search engine available on Blackberrys.
  2. My sister bought a new computer and was offered a free song download if she searched with Bing.

Potraga za pristojan početnu stranicu

I’m not sure why home pages were even invented in the first place. Mislim, sure, you need a page to open when you boot up your browser, but they just make things, dobro, awkward. Plus they’re not very useful: most of them just serve as a landing page; you don’t really use them except to read news about how kids can’t bring bagged lunch to school (*cough* Yahoo *cough*.) And when you do that kind of stuff, you just get distracted from what you were originally meaning to do all along.

I want to know why that is and how I can help fix it.