Self-expression on the internet: a hybrid approach?

The internet should help you express yourself easily and ensure you have control over the content and quality of your writings. But is that possible?

The internet has always been called the great platform for self-expression. The claim goes that you no longer need to be talented and lucky enough to get your work into a book or newspaper or magazine; anyone can publish anything to the internet, and if it’s good enough, it can get found.

It’s definitely true that the cost of self-expression has gone down with the internet, so people are much more likely and able to use it to publish their ideas. (The idea of economic cost, or amount of effort it takes to do something, is a very powerful one, gan y ffordd. When it gets easier to do something, that thing explodes in popularity. It’s pretty self-evident, but it’s a powerful way of looking at things like the rise of self-expression with the internet.)

Mae yna two main ways of publishing content online:

  • Publishing independently (making your own platform)
  • Using someone else’s platform (hosted publishing)

Both of these fall short of the goal of allowing for easy self-publishing. Yr wyf yn meddwl, er, y there’s room for a hybrid that would bring the best of both.

Sut i wneud gwefan, rhan 1

Nid wyf yn gwybod os ydych chi wedi clywed amdano, ond mae hyn yn beth a elwir yn y rhyngrwyd y mae pobl y dyddiau hyn yn tueddu i ddefnyddio llawer. Fel yr wyf wedi dweud o'r blaen, mae'n bwysig iawn y dyddiau hyn yn hyn sut i ddatblygu ar gyfer y we.

Ffordd felly pa well i ddatblygiad ar y we arfer yn dysgu a sgiliau, i gyd tra'n gwneud enw i chi eich hun ar y platfform mwyaf yn y byd, na i greu gwefan?

Dyma'r cyntaf mewn cyfres o sesiynau tiwtorial lle byddwch yn dangos i chi, cam-wrth-gam, sut i adeiladu gwefan anhygoel o ddim.

Gadewch i ni fynd, Yr wyf yn.

Pam poeni am ddatblygiad ar y we?

Dywedwch eich bod chi eisiau ysgrifennu am sut y anhygoel eich tostiwr anifail anwes a'i gyhoeddi i bawb ei weld. Dywedwch eich bod chi eisiau gwneud app lle y gall defnyddwyr ryngweithio gyda'u tostwyr anifail anwes rhithwir hun. Dywedwch eich bod chi eisiau i ddechrau gwerthu anifeiliaid anwes ar-lein tostwyr ar ôl i chi i wedi pawb yn argyhoeddedig pa mor anhygoel eu bod yn.

Yn yr achos hwn, Id 'yn ôl pob tebyg fod ychydig yn poeni am eich pwyll. Ond, yn bwysicach, you’d want to dysgu rhywfaint o ddatblygu ar y we – hynny yw, y grefft o greu tudalennau gwe fel yr un yr ydych yn edrych ar hyn o bryd.

Mae tiwtorial Twitter i ddechreuwyr: Rhan 1

Twitter's new Logo, the Blue Bird
Twitter is an extremely powerful social & news networkyou just have to learn how to use it.

Twitter is a great social network for catching up on the latest — oh hey, I got a new Tweet! Be back in a second.

Whoops, Mae'n ddrwg. As I was saying, Twitter, y “othersocial network, is an incredibly quick and easy way to catch up on all the news that’s fit to type in one convenient place. Ond, in order to fully make use of the #awesomeness that is Twitter, you’ve got to learn a bit. Luckily for you, @I have made one that @you are reading right now. #whatluck

HTML5, CSS3, a JavaScript: dyfodol y we

Cyn i mi ddechrau, daith drwy hanes byr…

Mae'n 1999. Internet Explorer 5 yn stwff poeth, y swigen technoleg yn tyfu. Ac Mariano Rivera yn y Byd Cyfres MVP. A phobl ifanc (gasp.)

Mae datblygwr ar y we yn eistedd ar ei gyfrifiadur, yfed coffi ac ysgrifennu rhai cod. Mae eisiau gwneud yn gêm porwr sy'n seiliedig ar. Yr unig ffordd y gall wneud hyn yw defnyddio Adobe Flash llwyfan i wneud movie rhyngweithiol a mewnosod hynny yn ei gwefan.

Mae am i roi fideo ar ei safle yn rhy. YouTube sounds like the name of a cheesy subway line, nothing more. Our developer has to make a Flash movie for that, yn rhy.

Bing: the little engine thatcouldn’t?

If you’ve bought an electronic device in the last year, you’ll notice that Microsoft is hawking its search engine Bing more than I hawk my products. (On a totally unrelated note, download Goat, my free and open-source flashcard program.)

That’s all well and good, since you’re allowed to advertise, but Microsoft really goes to the extreme:

  1. Microsoft signed a deal with Blackberry so that Bing would be the only search engine available on Blackberrys.
  2. My sister bought a new computer and was offered a free song download if she searched with Bing.

Anghofiwch fflachia drives gyda Dropbox

I’m sure this happens to a lot of people: you have an important file on your flash drive and you need to hand it in, print it out, or take it somewhere else. Only problem? You lose your flash drive. It’s happened to me far too many times.

So that’s why I decided to eschew flash drives and emailing stuff to myself and use the power of the internet.

I found Dropbox, which lets me access my files from anywhere as long as I have an internet connection. I don’t even need a flash drive any more; I can just store everything I need on my Dropbox account.