
Neel MehtaHej! Thanks for visiting my technology blog. Jeg er Neel Mehta, a part-time computer scientist and full-time high school student.

On this blog I write about software I like, the latest tech news, or life in general, made accessible (you don’t have to know much about technology), straightforward (no tech buzzwords like cloud-based responsive mobile app solutions), and hopefully slightly funny. I hope.

What else I’ve created:

When I’m not doing something tech-related, you’ll find me:

  • Playing music (piano/violin)
  • Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity
  • Making bad jokes (my specialty)
  • Reading technology and politics blogs
  • Following the Phillies and Major League Baseball
  • Learning languages (Gujarati especially)

Feel free to write to me at, on Twitter or Facebook, or by carrier pigeon.

8 tanker om "Om”

  1. Wow! Great site! I am enjoying exploring and am very impressed at what you have put together (someday I’ll be able to say I knew you when you were just a serious and skinny kid in 7th grade:). Seriouslyam very proud of you. You are doing fabulous work. Two thumbs up for a super site. Keep up the good work and think about doing a presentation for STEM Day (April 3).
    ~Mrs. McGinnis

  2. Hey Neel, just found this and I would like to complement you on it. A job very well done! Ha, similar to Mrs. McGinnis’s comment, I will be able to tell my kids that I went to school with you! Again great job!

  3. Hi Neel: I just found your wonderfully simplistic home page, and must say I love it.
    What a change from all the cluttered advertisement laden pages like MSN.
    Just wanted to say a great big THANKS for this.

  4. Hi Neel

    Can I sugest your application (cabra is portuguese word…)
    in my blog? I have tried and is great to teach with fun.

    Best regards from Portugal
    and good luck to your future

    1. Hello Vitor!

      Intet problem – you can share Cabra on your blog and anywhere else! Please send me a link if you share it on your blog, as I’d love to see it.

      Thank you for your feedback!


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