Mazá, Microsoft, e Google están revelando plans para torradeiras intelixentes. Aprontar – este é enorme.
En algún lugar en California — Nunha serie impresionante de revelacións que se transformou o mundo da tecnoloxía na súa cabeza, un trio de xigantes da tecnoloxía anunciaron plans para unha torradeira esperta. Mazá, Microsoft, and Google held launch parties this weekend for a series of new devices. Este reporteiro valente asistiu todos os tres.
Béisbol – quite possibly the greatest thing invented by humanity.
It’s that time of year. Lush green grass, clay-red warning track and infield, pristine white bases, sizzling hot dogs, icy slushies, the crack of wood. Baseball season.
And today’s opening day. Concedido, there’s only one game today, but it counts. (Most teams’ first game of the season is tomorrow, April 1st.) Regardless, today is a great day for all baseball fans, including me.
Background info: there are 30 teams in the MLB (major league baseball), and each plays 162 games in the regular season. The teams are split into 6 divisions of 5 teams each. The teams in each division with the most wins, máis 4 wild-card teams, move on to the playoffs.
Many baseball fans and experts – including me – take this time to predict how many games each team will win this season, as well as which team will “win” their division. Ten 2,430 games in the regular season, so we just concern ourselves with that for now. Playoff stuff comes later.
I’m a big baseball fan, so I figure this year I’ll chime in with my predictions and picks for who wins the division. I’m just a humble fan – not even close to an expert – so take my predictions with a grain of salt.
I’ve written down how I think each team will do (wins/losses), plus some analysisthat’s loaded with baseball jargon. Avoid the analysis if you don’t know too much about baseball. Remember that the top team in every division (rank 1) gets to move on to the playoffs, so everyone is fighting for that spot.
Correo, without further ado, my predictions & picks. is finishing up its 2nd year of existence. As has becometradition, Eu estou facendo un post de blog destacando todo o que eu fixen o ano pasado e dar un ollo ao que está na tenda para o próximo ano.
Escribe recapitulación do ano pasado – o primeiro – e siga-me en algunhas estatísticas e noticias de do segundo ano.
Here’s an interesting tidbit from the life of a web developer.
Pensas que as persoas van para a internet con ese brillante novo teléfono / tablet torradeira / eles ten para a época natalícia.
Aparentemente, Ninguén fai iso. Aquí está un ollo a meus últimos éxitos (non o tipo de banda, Quero dicir o número de visitantes para
Como o espírito festivo sobe, visitas a sitios descender.
Polo que teño visto, Este semella ser o caso de case todos os sitios e app: visitas ou descargas descenso abrupto durante tempada de vacacións. Por que paga a pena, things return right back to normal once the new year begins.
This is a review of VLC, a free multimedia player for movies and music. Download it here.
Happy holidays! To go along with that DVD of your favorite movie, that CD of your favorite band, and that ugly sweater from your favorite aunt, here’s a present of a program: VLC!
VLC is alibre, open-source multimedia program for any operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, evenAndroide) thatcan play movies, música, the whole nine yards. Did I mention it’s free?
Right now, if you want to buy a smartphone you have two main options: iPhone e Android. If you’re feeling brave, hai Windows Phone. Non moito variedade.
Todo o que está a piques de cambiar.
Este ano que vén vai ver o lanzamento de novo, libres sistemas operativos de teléfono que parecen a piques de cambiar o mundo dos smartphones – para mellor. Imos dar un ollo.
Ubuntu, o incontrolado popular open-source do sistema operativo para ordenadoreshas been spreading rumors that they’re going to release a version of the operating system for smartphones. The phones aren’t out yet but folks around the internetsay they’re definitely in the works.
The young man had finished his arduous training period of ten years. The grizzled old man next to him, his tutor, had devoted himself to teaching his pupil the arcane art, an art known only to a select few. Ten years of intense physical labor, deep within the mysterious dungeons and high atop the silver mountains, had finally prepared the battle-scarred young man. He was prepared to unleash his mastery of the dangerous art few knew even existed.