Que a fonte estea contigo: unha introdución ao software de código aberto

Funny open-source cartoon with Tux
O software de código aberto: calquera pode editalo e facelo aínda máis incrible. Aquí está un resumo do por.

O software de código aberto. Parece outro chavão tecnoloxía como desenvolvemento áxil, Frameworks MVC, modelos fervenza, e así por diante.

Pero realmente, é moi máis legal que todos aqueles.

Simplificando, software de código aberto é un programa que calquera pode editar. E por iso, é incrible. Ler máis para ver como o seu programa de código aberto favorito (Firefox e Android, por exemplo) traballo.

Como funciona

Creo que é máis fácil de explicar o software de código aberto, con unha pequena historia. Obter un pouco de pipoca – este ten acción, drama, e violación de dereitos de autor.

The future of smartphones

Google Android and Apple iOS fighting
Move over, Android and iOS. You have company.

Right now, if you want to buy a smartphone you have two main options: iPhone e Android. If you’re feeling brave, hai Windows Phone. Non moito variedade.

Todo o que está a piques de cambiar.

Este ano que vén vai ver o lanzamento de novo, libres sistemas operativos de teléfono que parecen a piques de cambiar o mundo dos smartphones – para mellor. Imos dar un ollo.


Ubuntu, o incontrolado popular open-source do sistema operativo para ordenadores has been spreading rumors that they’re going to release a version of the operating system for smartphones. The phones aren’t out yet but folks around the internet say they’re definitely in the works.

Firefox’s new release strategy

Back in the day (and by that I mean a week ago), new versions of Firefox were releasedwhen they were ready” – que é, when all the features they wanted to put in were in it. That’s called feature-based releases, and most developers use that strategy.

But there’s another release strategy that focuses on releasing new versions every so often. Some features might not make a version, but that’s OK; a new version is coming in x weeks so it’ll be included then. This is called fixed releases.

Firefox 4 is out

It’s been about a year in coming (it was in beta for a full year), but Firefox 4 is finally out and can be downloaded at firefox.com. The open-source web browser’s latest version is a gigantic step forward from the 3.6 version (the old stable version from a year ago, which is pitifully outdated by now.)

What’s changed

  • Firefox 4 is about 3 times faster in page loading and JavaScript performance than 3.6. This means your favorite web apps and websites areget ready for this – 3 times faster than before.