CS50: What Next?

Athugið: this post is aimed mostly at Harvard students.

CS50 logo

So you took Harvard’s introductory computer science class, CS50. (Maybe you were a regular at my section or met me at office hours.) You learned a lot, you enjoyed it, and you want to continue exploring computer science. Maybe you want to concentrate in CS, get a minor, get an internship at a tech company, or better understand how computers are going to take over the world.

But CS is a huge field, and with just one course under your belt, it’s difficult to really break into it.

So what next?

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Ungi maðurinn hafði lokið arduous þjálfun tímabili hans tíu ár. The grizzled gamall maður við hliðina á honum, kennari hans, hafði helgað sig kennslu nemanda sinn sem Bogagöng list, list þekktur aðeins til að velja nokkrar. Tíu ára ákafur líkamlega vinnu, djúpt í dularfulla Dungeons og hár topp silfur fjöll, loksins tilbúinn bardaga-ör ungur maður. Hann var tilbúinn að gefa lausan tauminn leikni sína á hættulegum list Fáir vissi jafnvel verið.
