youâの€™のDが、私はその質問をたくさん得ると思います, しかし、実際に私は€™tをうわさ – ほとんどの人はそれを特定の方法で発音し、絶対に, 積極的に, 右再確認してくださいthey’. サオ€™は、信じられないほど多くの発音があります, 私は選択することが誰だか “適切な” 1? Let ’em pronounce it however they like, I say.
That being said, the number of pronunciations I hear is borderline ridiculous. Here are the most common ones I’ve heard.
- HA-dix – ザ· “A” sounds like the “A” in “cat”. ザ· “D” sounds like the “D” in “edit.”
- HAY-thicks – Pronounced like the two English words.
- HAH-thicks – ザ· “の” sounds like the “A” in “pa.”
- HA-thicks – ザ· “A” sounds like the “A” in “cat”.
- Ha-TICKS – ザ· “A” sounds like the “A” in “cat”. The second syllable sounds just like the word.
- Hat-TICKS – Similar to the previous one, except they’re pronounced like two different words.
- Ha-TEEKS – ザ· “A” sounds like the “A” in “cat”.
- Ha-THICKS – ザ· “A” sounds like the “A” in “cat”. ザ· “th” sounds like the “th” in “彼ら”.
- Hah-thee-EX – pronounced almost like ザ “ex” is a separate word. You’ll see why some say it this way.
Why that last one, you ask? よく, look up what “象” is in Hindi and you’ll find out why the site is named that way. Quite a find, すなわち.

とにかく, what do 私 think the proper pronunciation is? I say it as HA-thicks, but that’s just me.
本当に, あなたが好きなようにそれを発音. 本当に.
非常に多くの異なる背景を持つ人々と, 私は推測する, 私たちは皆、同じ単語の別の発音を受け入れる学ばなければならない – 限り、それはあっても、リモートでの発音のように聞こえるようにあなたが心で持っている. 個人的に, 私は 'のようなHathix’ Jirafix 'より少し’ あるいは 'Hippix’ そのことについては!