‘Tis the seasonto not visit websites

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the life of a web developer.

You’d think that people would go on the internet with that shiny new phone/tablet/toaster they got for the holiday season.

Apparently, no one does that. Here’s a look at my latest hits (not the band type, I mean the number of visitors to hathix.com):

hathix visitors graph
As the festive spirit goes up, visits to websites go down.

From what I’ve seen, this seems to be the case with pretty much every website and app: visits or downloads sharply decrease during holiday season. For what it’s worth, things return right back to normal once the new year begins.

Watch videos and play music with VLC

This is a review of VLC, a free multimedia player for movies and music. Download it here.

Happy holidays! To go along with that DVD of your favorite movie, that CD of your favorite band, and that ugly sweater from your favorite aunt, here’s a present of a program: VLC!

VLC is a free, open-source multimedia program for any operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, even Android) that can play movies, musik, the whole nine yards. Did I mention it’s free?