Carane nggawe website, bagean 1

I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but there’s this thing called the internet that people these days tend to use a lot. As I’ve said before, it’s extremely important nowadays to now how to develop for the web.

So what better way to learn and practice web development skills, all while making a name for yourself on the world’s biggest platform, than to create a website?

This is the first in a series of tutorials where I’ll show you, step-by-step, how to build an awesome website from scratch.

Let’s go, yo.

Napa Care babagan pangembangan web?

Say you want to write about how awesome your pet toaster is and publish it for everyone to see. Say you want to make an app where users can interact with their own virtual pet toasters. Say you want to start selling pet toasters online once you’ve convinced everyone how awesome they are.

In this case, I’d probably be a bit concerned about your sanity. But, more importantly, you’d want to learn some web developmentthat is, the art of creating web pages like the one you’re viewing right now.

‘Tis the seasonto not visit websites

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the life of a web developer.

You’d think that people would go on the internet with that shiny new phone/tablet/toaster they got for the holiday season.

Apparently, no one does that. Here’s a look at my latest hits (not the band type, I mean the number of visitors to

hathix visitors graph
As the festive spirit goes up, visits to websites go down.

From what I’ve seen, this seems to be the case with pretty much every website and app: visits or downloads sharply decrease during holiday season. For what it’s worth, things return right back to normal once the new year begins.

An introduction to pangembangan web

HTML 5 logo on an iPhone smartphone with app icons around it in a cloud
Sambutan kanggo web.

Bali ing dina Pendhaftaran (OK, sadurunge Pendhaftaran dina), profesi saka pangembang web ana siji kurang. Iku ditingkat ngisor kirik hater nanging ndhuwur Yankees penggemar ing ukuran profesional pakurmatan. Amarga kabeh tags lan transparan spacer gambar kita digunakake, kita padha katon minangka Crude peretas karo ora raos estetika.

Uga, kita bisa isih kakurangan ing estetis pangertèn, nanging minangka Web wis dikembangaké supaya wis profesi saka pangembang web. Iki dina ana kaetung pribadi kita bisa migunakake kanggo nggawe uga-ditulis, standar-manut kontek, lan ayu (OK, Mungkin ora sing siji pungkasan) kaca web. Paling saka situs web gedhe sampeyan nggunakake dina (ora duwe isin colokan: kalebu siji iki) sing dibangun nganggo pribadi.