Resurrection, and updates

I could tell from the sheer number of WordPress updates that awaited me that it’s certainly been a while since I wrote here on this blog. But part of my pre-New Year’s resolution is to start writing here more – hopefully I can develop some more interesting ideas and keep growing as a writer.

I’ve learned a ton from my first semester at Harvard – where I think I’ll study computer science, though I don’t declare a major till next year – and I’ve developed an interest in seeing how technology impacts other fields – politics, economics, education, sports, whatever – in addition to technology for its own sake. So with this reboot of the blog, so to speak, I’ll work to explore the intersection of technology and other fields.’s second birthday & year in review

happy birthday cake elephant box cartoon
That’s one lucky elephant. is finishing up its 2nd year of existence. As has become tradition, I’m making a blog post highlighting everything I’ve done in the last year and taking a look at what’s in store for next year.

Check out last year’s recapthe first everand follow me into some stats and news from’s sophomore year.

‘Tis the seasonto not visit websites

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the life of a web developer.

You’d think that people would go on the internet with that shiny new phone/tablet/toaster they got for the holiday season.

Apparently, no one does that. Here’s a look at my latest hits (not the band type, I mean the number of visitors to

hathix visitors graph
As the festive spirit goes up, visits to websites go down.

From what I’ve seen, this seems to be the case with pretty much every website and app: visits or downloads sharply decrease during holiday season. For what it’s worth, things return right back to normal once the new year begins.

Sorry for downtimealso, props to WebHostingHub

A closed box package cartoon clip art
Error 404, elephant not found

tl; had some downtime but my super-helpful host WebHostingHub cleared it up immediately. Also, I apologize for the fanboyishnessit’s just that WHH is that awesome.

I was recently working with some so-called cutting-edge web programming techniques (parsing JSON using PHP from client requests using JavaScript and jQuerytold you it was gory) and realized I needed a new version of some software on the server that hathix lives on.

Introducing Sprinkle Safari, a web adventure game

Elephant with donut icon png
The logo for Sprinkle Safari, the awesome web game finally released to the public.

I’ve got a dirty little secret. Uga, not so dirty, really, morecreamy. Sugary. Frosty. Sprinkle-y.

Here it is: for the last year and more(computer searching reveals since January 29, 2011even before was founded), I’ve been working nonstop on alittleweb-based adventure game. And it’s never been formally released to the public until now.

Here’s a look at the making of the game. It’s taken 16 months and over 100 hours of development.

Cabra menang ing PA High School Komputer Fair

A cute goat cartoon with big eyes
Bleat karo kapercayan, bocah.

Ora duwe isin iklan: Download Cabra, program flashcard mentas penghargaan-menang!

Wedhus, kaget migunani program flashcard Pendhaftaran, nduweni wulu anyar ing sawijining tutup. Iku saiki uga penghargaan-menang program flashcard. Aku ora bocah-ding (sori bab pun wedhus.)

Maret iki Aku sambungan Cabra ing Pendhaftaran regional komputer padha supaya (disponsori dening kabupaten kang penengah Unit) lan dianugerahi trip menyang statewide komputer padha supaya.

Kang ndadekke kula wingi, nalika aku teka ing Dickinson College Carlisle, PA. Gedhe kampus (Dickinson punika College 16 paling tuwa ing bangsa) lan becik cilik kutha. Iku College cilik nanging uga banget-dianggep, lan fasilitas padha gedhe kanggo padha supaya kang waé.

Happy first birthday,! The year in review

Cute elephant in box with birthday cake and hat
Blow out those candles, cause is turning 1 year old!

Can you believe it? is turning 1 year old- yup, it was registered exactly a year ago todayah, fond memories! In just a year, has gone from just a thought in my head to a full-fledged (and hopefully good) website.

Ngerti, iku hard kanggo kula kanggo mbayangno gesang sadurunge aku hathix – nanging sing ana mung sing kepungkur. Pendhaftaran tuwane ngomong padha felt padha; iku hard kanggo wong mbayangno gesang sadurunge dicekel bocah. Oalah.