인터넷에서 자기 표현: 하이브리드 접근 방식?

The internet should help you express yourself easily and ensure you have control over the content and quality of your writings. But is that possible?

The internet has always been called the great platform for self-expression. The claim goes that you no longer need to be talented and lucky enough to get your work into a book or newspaper or magazine; anyone can publish anything to the internet, and if it’s good enough, it can get found.

It’s definitely true that the cost of self-expression has gone down with the internet, so people are much more likely and able to use it to publish their ideas. (The idea of economic cost, or amount of effort it takes to do something, is a very powerful one, 그런데. When it gets easier to do something, that thing explodes in popularity. It’s pretty self-evident, but it’s a powerful way of looking at things like the rise of self-expression with the internet.)

이 있습니다 two main ways of publishing content online:

  • Publishing independently (making your own platform)
  • Using someone else’s platform (hosted publishing)

Both of these fall short of the goal of allowing for easy self-publishing. I는 생각합니다, 그래도, 그 there’s room for a hybrid that would bring the best of both.

소스는 당신과 함께 할 수 있습니다: 소스 소프트웨어를 엽니 소개

Funny open-source cartoon with Tux
오픈 소스 소프트웨어: 누구를 편집하고 더 멋진 만들 수 있습니다. 그 이유의 개요입니다.

오픈 소스 소프트웨어. 와 같은 다른 기술 용어 같은데 애자일 개발, MVC 프레임 워크, 폭포 모델, 등.

하지만 실제로는, 그것의 많은 그 모든 것보다 더 차가운.

간단히 말해서, 오픈 소스 소프트웨어는 누구나 편집 할 수있는 소프트웨어입니다. 그리고 그 때문에, 그것은 끝내. 좋아하는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 방식을 볼 수 읽어 (파이어 폭스와 안드로이드, 예를 들면) 작동.

그것은 작동하는 방법

나는 작은 이야기 오픈 소스 소프트웨어를 설명하는 가장 쉬운 방법이라고 생각. 팝콘을 얻을 – 이 작업을가, 드라마, 과 저작권 침해.

Tutorial: starting a blog with WordPress, 부분 2

Wait! Before you read this, read 부분 1.

Now that you’ve gotten your blog all set up, we can start getting familiar with it.

If you’ve forgotten, I’m writing a sample blog as we go along so you can follow along with this guide.

Your Dashboard

Your Dashboard is where you can administrate your blog by writing new posts, moderating comments, 더. This is where it all goes down, and obviously no visitors are allowed in. To visit your dashboard, go to <your blog url.wordpress.com>/wp-admin and sign in using the password and username you signed up with.

Tutorial: starting a blog with WordPress, 부분 1

Maybe you’re a rabid sports fan with lots to say about your favorite baseball team. Maybe you’re traveling the country and want to keep a journal about your travels. Or maybe you’re just some windbag who likes ranting about technology.

Whatever your hobby or interest, starting a 블로그 is a fun and rewarding experience. And don’t worryyou don’t have to be a tech guru either. As long as you can browse the internet, use a word processor, and think of interesting things to say (harder than it sounds), you can blog.