Nagħmlu xi ismijiet ġodda verżjoni Android

Cute graphic of android version evolution
Mill cupcake biex Jelly Bean, Gotten cuter Android kull verżjoni.

Android, is-sistema operattiva sors miftuħ għat-telefowns / pilloli, sar verament magħruf sew għall laqmijiet tagħhom verżjoni oerhört ħelu – kull verżjoni huwa msemmi wara deżerta, u jmorru alfabetikament. S'issa kellna cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Sandwich Ice Cream, Jelly Bean, u KitKat (l-aħħar wieħed.)

Google trid timpjega tim ta 'geniuses li jagħmlu dawn l-ismijiet verżjoni. Hekk jien ser jippruvaw naħa tiegħi li jagħmlu xi ismijiet potenzjali. Hawn huma xi ftit stajt ħsibt, sabiex:

  • Drop Lemon
  • Milkshake / Muffin

BREAKING: Tech giants unveil smart toaster

A smart toaster: the iToaster, Windows Toaster 8, and Google Toast image picture toast
Apple, Microsoft, u Google qed kixef pjanijiet għal towsters intelliġenti. Lestu – dan huwa enormi.

X'imkien FL CALIFORNIA — F'serje isturdament ta 'rivelazzjonijiet li daru d-dinja ta' teknoloġija fuq kap tagħha, trio ta 'ġganti teknoloġija ħabbru pjanijiet għal toaster intelliġenti. Apple, Microsoft, and Google held launch parties this weekend for a series of new devices. Dan reporter brave attendew it-tlieta.

Ejja tagħti ħarsa.

Il-futur ta 'smartphones

Google Android and Apple iOS fighting
Nimxu fuq, Android u IOS. Inti għandek kumpanija.

Dritt issa, jekk inti tixtieq tixtri smartphone għandek żewġ għażliet prinċipali: iPhone u Android. Jekk qed tħossok brave, hemm Windows Phone. Mhux ħafna varjetà.

Dak kollu li hu wasal biex jinbidel.

Din is-sena li ġejja se ara l-istqarrija ta ' ġdid, sistemi ħielsa smartphone operattivi li jidhru lest biex tbiddel id-dinja ta 'smartphones – għall-aħjar. Ejja tagħti ħarsa.


Ubuntu, il wildly popolari open-source sistema operattiva għall-kompjuters ġie tixrid rumors li dawn qed tmur biex toħroġ verżjoni tas-sistema operattiva għall smartphones. Il-telefowns mhumiex għadhom barra imma folks madwar l-internet jgħidu li qed definittivament fil-xogħlijiet.

So much for IPOs

As you probably remember, the professional networking (no other way to describe it) site LinkedIn went public in May under the symbol LNKD. Its IPO (initial public offering, or first release of shares in the stock market) was valued $45 per share. Later that day, LinkedIn shares were trading at $122.

LinkedIn's logo
LinkedIn's IPO was hyped, but did it work?

LinkedIn closed at $94 per share, with a volume of 30 million shares. Not bad for a day’s work. (News article.)


Chrome OS: all web, all the time

As you might have noticed, the guys at Google have released (ukoll, not released, they’ve just publicly shown it for the first time; Chromebooks are coming out on June 15) Chromebooks, which are netbooks that run the Chrome OS.

Chrome OS (official site)

More about the actual computers later; the interesting part about the computer is its operating system. Chrome OS is a completely web-based operating system; it’s nothing but Chrome, Google’s web browser. Dak id-dritt, the only application on the computer is Chrome.

Can’t get enough Angry Birds? Play it online

Playing Angry Birds 1-1
A red bird crashing into a structure, killing a pig in the process

If your phone’s battery keeps dying on you because you spend all your time playing the wildly popular mobile game Angry Birds (or if you’re too cheap to buy Angry Birds), you should be pretty excited about this latest development.

You can now play Angry Birds online here. Here’s what you need:

  1. A decent browser (more on that later)
  2. Adobe Flash (sorry, iDevice users)

As the URL ( might hint, Angry Birds works best in Chrome. I’ve tried it on several browsers and here’s what I’ve found:

Microsoft buys Skype

Skype logoMicrosoft has bought the popular IM/voice chat application Skype (ukoll, not just the product, the whole company) for $8.5 billion, making it Microsoft’s largest purchase ever. I find that a little funny since Skype actually made a loss of $7 million last year.

Iżda, when you think about it, it makes some sense. Skype has 663 million user accounts (tal-kors, not all of them are active) and about 8 million paying usersobviously not very many, but it’s still some.