Mejju, il-sors tkun miegħek: intro li tiftaħ source software

Funny open-source cartoon with Tux
Softwer open source: kulħadd jista tbiddilha u jagħmilha saħansitra aktar tal-biża '. Hawnhekk hawn telqa ta 'għaliex.

Softwer open source. Ħsejjes bħal buzzword ieħor tech simili iżvilupp b'aġilità, Oqfsa MVC, mudelli kaskata, u l-bqija.

Imma verament, huwa ħafna aktar jibred minn dawk kollha.

Sempliċiment imqiegħdin, software b'sors miftuħ huwa software li kulħadd jista jeditjaw. U minħabba li, huwa tal-biża '. Aqra dwar biex tara kif tiegħek software open source favoriti (Firefox u Android, per eżempju) xogħlijiet.

Kif taħdem

Naħseb li huwa eħfef biex jispjegaw software open-source bi ftit storja. Get xi popcorn – dan għandu azzjoni, drama, u ksur ta 'copyright.

Il-futur ta 'smartphones

Google Android and Apple iOS fighting
Nimxu fuq, Android u IOS. Inti għandek kumpanija.

Dritt issa, jekk inti tixtieq tixtri smartphone għandek żewġ għażliet prinċipali: iPhone u Android. Jekk qed tħossok brave, hemm Windows Phone. Mhux ħafna varjetà.

Dak kollu li hu wasal biex jinbidel.

Din is-sena li ġejja se ara l-istqarrija ta ' ġdid, sistemi ħielsa smartphone operattivi li jidhru lest biex tbiddel id-dinja ta 'smartphones – għall-aħjar. Ejja tagħti ħarsa.


Ubuntu, il wildly popolari open-source sistema operattiva għall-kompjuters ġie tixrid rumors li dawn qed tmur biex toħroġ verżjoni tas-sistema operattiva għall smartphones. Il-telefowns mhumiex għadhom barra imma folks madwar l-internet jgħidu li qed definittivament fil-xogħlijiet.

Firefox’s new release strategy

Back in the day (and by that I mean a week ago), new versions of Firefox were releasedwhen they were ready” – li huwa, when all the features they wanted to put in were in it. That’s called feature-based releases, and most developers use that strategy.

But there’s another release strategy that focuses on releasing new versions every so often. Some features might not make a version, but that’s OK; a new version is coming in x weeks so it’ll be included then. This is called fixed releases.

Firefox 4 is out

It’s been about a year in coming (it was in beta for a full year), but Firefox 4 is finally out and can be downloaded at The open-source web browser’s latest version is a gigantic step forward from the 3.6 version (the old stable version from a year ago, which is pitifully outdated by now.)

What’s changed

  • Firefox 4 is about 3 times faster in page loading and JavaScript performance than 3.6. This means your favorite web apps and websites areget ready for this – 3 times faster than before.