Ua ib co tshiab hauv version npe

Cute graphic of android version evolution
Ntawm Cupcake los Jelly taum, Hauv tus dabtsi cuter txhua version.

Android, lub qhov qhib operating zog rau tes/ntsiav tshuaj, kuj yeej zoo paub txog lawv cov nicknames acute incredibly version – txhua version yog hu ua tom qab lub khoom qab zib, lawv mus alphabetically. Deb li ntawd, lawv twb yuav tau Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Mis nyuj khov nyuaj, Jelly taum, thiab KitKat (qhov tseeb ib tug.)

Google yuav tsum ntiav ib pab geniuses ua tej lub npe version. Li ntawd, kuv yuav mus sim kuv txhais tes yuav nyob ua ib co neeg npe. Ntawm no yog ob peb tug kuv yeej xav li cas txog, hais:

  • Nco txiv qaub
  • Milkshake/Muffin
  • Nougat/New York Cheesecake
  • Oreo
  • Popsicle/Peppermint/Pecan Pie
  • Quickbread
  • Raspberry/Rice Pudding
  • S’mores/Sundae/Shortcake
  • Tiramisu/Toffee
  • Upside-Down Cake
  • Vanilla Bean
  • Waffle/White Chocolate
  • Xocoatl (Aztec for chocolate)
  • Yogurt
  • Zabaione (fried Italian dessert)

Who knows, maybe Android will use one of these? (A guy can hope, right?)

Luam tawm los

Neel Mehta

Harvard College. Web tsim tawm. Sometime philosopher. Baseball junkie.

sau ntawv cia