Увођење Спринкле Сафари, веб авантура

Elephant with donut icon png
Лого за поспите Сафари, страшан веб игра коначно пуштен на јавност.

Имам прљаву малу тајну. Добро, Не толико прљав, стварно, више… кремаст. Шећерни. Смрзнут. Спринкле-и.

Овде је: за последњу годину и више(Рачунар тражење открива Од јануара 29, 2011 – чак и пре него што је основан хатхик.цом), Радим нон-стоп на “мало” веб-басед авантура. И то никада није званично пуштен у јавност – до сада.

Ево поглед на израда Игра. Је било потребно 16 месеци и преко 100 часова развоја.

Can’t get enough Angry Birds? Play it online

Playing Angry Birds 1-1
A red bird crashing into a structure, killing a pig in the process

If your phone’s battery keeps dying on you because you spend all your time playing the wildly popular mobile game Ангри Бирдс (or if you’re too cheap to buy Angry Birds), you should be pretty excited about this latest development.

You can now play Angry Birds online here. Here’s what you need:

  1. A decent browser (више о томе касније)
  2. Adobe Flash (жао, iDevice users)

As the URL (chrome.angrybirds.com) might hint, Ангри Бирдс works best in Chrome. I’ve tried it on several browsers and here’s what I’ve found:


As usual, I got bored so I wrote a game in JavaScript. It’s a role-playing game called Labyrinth (you can find it here) which follows a guy who gets lost in a cave. You have to collect sticks to destroy barrels, planks to cross water, keys for colored doors, and more.

Here’s what Labyrinth looks like:

Playing Level 10 of Labyrinth
Playing Level 10 of Labyrinth

I know it’s horribly drawn, but I drew everything myself. I’m such a bad artist that it’s a miracle that the key even looked like a key. And that glowing yellow/orange/red thing is a lantern.