hathix.com איז פינישינג אַרויף זייַן 2 יאָר פון עקזיסטענץ. ווי האט ווערן טראַדיציע, איך בין מאכן אַ בלאָג פּאָסטן כיילייטינג אַלץ איך ווע געטאן אין די לעצטע יאָר און גענומען אַ קוק אין וואָס ס אין קראָם פֿאַר ווייַטער יאָר.
טשעק אויס לעצטע יאָר ס ריקאַפּ – דער ערשטער אלץ – און נאָכפאָלגן מיר אין עטלעכע סטאַץ און נייַעס פון hathix.com 'ס סאַפמאָר יאָר.
די גרויס געשעענישן
לעצטע יאָר האט מיין שאַפונג יאָר, ווו איך דעוועלאָפּעד hathix.com און די פארבונדן ווייכווארג (אַפּפּס און שפּילערייַ.) This year I narrowed my focus and worked on a handful of major projects that represent huge upgrades to hathix.com:
- Cabra mobile, the ultimate studying app brought to phones, tablets, and the web
- Baker’s Dozen, a web adventure game and sequel to Sprinkle Safari
עטלעכע smaller projects that still deserve mention:
- An online hub for graphing calculator programs (for TI graphing calculators.)
- A simple and powerful home page.
- Further updates to the desktop version of ציגעלע.
- More work on the hathix בלאָג.
Let’s take a look at these – but first, some yummy website stats.
Delicious website stats
2012-2013 was a great year for hathix.com. It completely obliterated last year’s totals – it got 11 times as many visitors as last year! Here are some more stats – important, interesting, or just meaningless – for you to chew on.
זינט פעברואַר 13, 2012:

- 60,738 וויסיץ (11x as high as last year)
- 133,670 pageviews (9.94x as high as last year)
- Visitors came from 168 לענדער (81 more than last year)
- 19,203 outlinks
- 89,284 מינוט – אָדער 62 טעג – spent on the site by visitors (8.49x as much as last year)
hathix.com’s best day was July 30, 2012, when 634 people visited.
hathix.com has really grown tremendously since last February – back then, it was a rarity to get above 50 hits a day. Now it’s rare for hathix.com to get less than 300.

Some more breakdowns:
- 91% of visitors came from desktop, 9% from mobile
- Top browsers: קראָום (46%), Internet Explorer (25%), פירעפאָקס (16%), Safari (12%), אָפּערע (1%)
- Top operating systems: פֿענצטער (80%), מעק (10%), אַנדרויד (5%), לינוקס (2%)
- Top countries: USA (56%), וק (5%), Thailand (5%), Canada (3%), Germany (2%)
- Top search engines: גוגל (43%), גוגל בילדער (45%), בינג (8%), יאַהאָאָ (1%)
- מערסט פּראָסט זוכן מאָטאָר טערמינען: mla format, mla format template, קיוט קאַרטון אַנימאַלס, box, mla template
- Biggest referring sites: giveawayoftheday.com, google.com, facebook.com, google.co.th, google.com.vn
- Most common local times to visit: the late afternoon and evening: 4-5pm, 8-9pm, 3-4pm, 5-6pm, 2-3pm
- Least common local times to visit: the early morning: 4-5am, 5-6am, 3-4am, 6-7am, 2-3am
Cabra mobile – studying on the go

My biggest project this year was creating a version of ציגעלע, my free studying app, for phones and tablets (יאָס, אַנדרויד, Windows Phone, אאז"ו ו)
I began developing it in summer 2012 and released it in August. I’m going to make a more detailed blog post on Cabra mobile later, but suffice to say it’s been a huge success. It’s gotten 22,051 uses online.
It’s available on אַנדרויד, יאָס, קראָום, פירעפאָקס, and pretty much any other platform you can imagine. It’s essentially a web app so you can use it on any device that has internet connection.
Baker’s Dozen – a sequel to Sprinkle Safari
You’ll recall that I spent a lot of time last year developing a web adventure game, שפּריצן סאַפאַרי. געזונט, once I’d finished that I really felt like diving back into the world of missing donuts, cartoon animals, bumbling bad guys, and cheesy dialogues, so I started work on a sequel to Sprinkle Safari, which I’ve dubbed Baker’s Dozen.

I’ve spent a ton of time working on it – I’ve been at it since May – and yet it’s far from completed. That should tell you a bit about how deep I intend to make it. For now, איר קענען play some sample levels to get a feel for what the final game will be like.
I’ll make another big blog post when the game’s finished. בלייַבן טונד.
די האַטהיקס בלאָג
I’ve continued work on the hathix blog and made quite a few blog posts. The blog’s been extremely successful and gotten a ton of visitors.
- 12 posts this year
- 56,873 וויזאַטערז (not all of these are counted in the hathix.com stats)
The blog’s best month was December 2012, when it received 11,238 views. Its best day was December 10, 2012, when it received 1,090 views!

The top posts:
- MLA template (23,998 views)
- גאַנג פון 40+ קיוט קאַרטון אַנימאַלס (10,570)
- More cute cartoon animals (8,892)
- 7-Zip (1,076)
- Introducing Sprinkle Safari (1,046)
Some other projects
There are always a few side projects I have that I never really publicize. Here are a few I’ve been working on:
- A hub for programs for TI graphing calculators. Here you can download programs to help you with math/science classes or calculator games for boring days in math class.
- An even better home page. This summer I gave hathix.com’s simple home page a serious revamp to look and work even better. Check it out – you may like it.
- More updates to the desktop version of Cabra. The latest version (0.7.0) lets you redeem points you earn from studying for virtual prizes – a great motivator. I’m planning more major releases in the future that integrate more with Cabra mobile.
- A secret project that has absolutely nothing to do with computers or technology. Watch this space.
So in conclusion…
2012-2013, hathix.com’s second year, has been a year of huge growth (11-fold!) and major new projects. I think I did a good job of building off of my previous software/website development and acquiring some new skills in the process.
2013-2014, year #3, is going to be a tough one for me personally as I finish up my junior year of high school, enter senior year, do college applications, and prepare for college. Despite that, I’m still going to spend some time on my favorite hobby, hathix.com. Year #3 will focus on refining existing projects on hathix.com and finishing ongoing projects. I don’t anticipate any major new developments. Other goals:
- More growth – at least twice as many hits as this year
- More marketing – getting the word out about hathix and its blog/software/games.
- More consistent blog posting – at least 2 blog posts per month.
- More diversification – perhaps creating some content that has nothing to do with technology.
Year #2 has really turned hathix.com from a baby to a legitimate website. I’m looking forward to the next year, which promises even better things.
Great!! Though I don’t understand much of what you have said, I am sure you have spent a lot of creative time to achieve this. All the best to you.
Thanks Babi!!
You should add your software to this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_flashcard_software