這個夏天, 我離開劍橋的友好束縛,遠航了西 暴富 實習生作為一名軟件工程師 汗學院. 而這並不完全這樣做正義: 這是一個完全革命性的體驗.

– 創建SEO'd登陸頁面我們的視頻
– 建立向用戶發送電子郵件通知功能,只要他們對我們的視頻問題得到回答, 與設計師的緊密合作
– 追踪並固定在我們的新的視頻播放器的bug
這個夏天, 我離開劍橋的友好束縛,遠航了西 暴富 實習生作為一名軟件工程師 汗學院. 而這並不完全這樣做正義: 這是一個完全革命性的體驗.
– 創建SEO'd登陸頁面我們的視頻
– 建立向用戶發送電子郵件通知功能,只要他們對我們的視頻問題得到回答, 與設計師的緊密合作
– 追踪並固定在我們的新的視頻播放器的bug
The young man had finished his arduous training period of ten years. The grizzled old man next to him, his tutor, had devoted himself to teaching his pupil the arcane art, an art known only to a select few. Ten years of intense physical labor, deep within the mysterious dungeons and high atop the silver mountains, had finally prepared the battle-scarred young man. He was prepared to unleash his mastery of the dangerous art few knew even existed.
Computer science.