上 “社會” 媒體, 弱關係, 與Snapchat故事

How social media is designed to help you build relationships with acquaintances, and why Snapchat (是的, that Snapchat) is the most effective social media platform

It was late enough that I’d stopped thinking for the night, so I proudly proclaimed to my nearby friends that I was getting a Snapchat account. It had always struck me as a bit vapid and narcissisticyou’re swapping carefully-chosen selfies with others to try and win favorbut I figured I’d give it a go.

But I quickly learned that Snapchat, like any other social media platform, gives rise to a number of use cases that the creators probably never intended. (例如, Twitter probably never foresaw that it would contribute to the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.) What I saw was this: Snapchat and other social media platforms are surprisingly effective ways to grow and maintain your network of weak ties (acquaintances) by reducing the costs of communication and increasing the number ofhooks,” or chances to strike up conversation, 你有. All social media can do this, but Snapchat, by its very nature, is the king of this.


假設你想要寫關於你的寵物如何真棒烤麵包機,並發布給大家看. 說,你想使一個應用程序,用戶可以在那裡與他們自己的虛擬寵物烤麵包機. 說你要開始在網上賣寵物烤麵包機,一旦你說服了大家,他們是如何真棒.

在這種情況下, 我可能會有點擔心你的理智. 但, 更重要的是, 你想要 學習一些Web開發 – 亦即, 像你創建網頁的藝術現在正在查看.

可能源與你同在: 一個介紹開源軟件

Funny open-source cartoon with Tux
開源軟件: 任何人都可以編輯它,使它更真棒. 下面是為什麼一個破敗.

開源軟件. 聽起來像另一個高科技流行語 敏捷開發, MVC框架, 瀑布模型, 等.

不過說真的, 它的 比所有這些更清涼.

簡單的說, 開源軟件是一種軟件,任何人都可以編輯. 正因為如此, 它的真棒. 請仔細閱讀,看看你最喜歡的開源軟件 (火狐和Android, 例如) 作品.


我認為這是最簡單的解釋開源軟件與一個小故事. 得到一些爆米花 – 這個動作有, 戲劇, 和侵權.


HTML 5 logo on an iPhone smartphone with app icons around it in a cloud

早在我的一天 (行, 我前一天), Web開發人員的職業是一種低1. 它排在下面的小狗仇敵,但高於洋基球迷對職業榮譽規模. 因為所有我們使用的標籤和透明間隔圖像的, 我們被看作是原油黑客採用無感美學.

良好, 我們可能仍然缺乏審美意識, 但作為Web開發等方面具有Web開發人員的專業. 這些天來有無數的工具,我們可以用它來編寫良好的, 符合標準, 而美麗 (行, 也許不是最後一個) 網頁. 大多數你今天使用的大網站 (無恥的插頭: 包括這一個) 使用這些工具構建.

HTML5, CSS3, 和JavaScript: 捲筒紙的未來

在我開始之前, 一個簡短的通過歷史之旅…

這是 1999. Internet Explorer的 5 是熱的東西, 科技股泡沫越來越大. 和Mariano Rivera是聯賽最有價值球員. 而年輕 (喘氣。)

Web開發人員坐在他的電腦, 喝咖啡並編寫一些代碼. 他想使基於瀏覽器的遊戲. 他能做到這一點的唯一途徑是使用Adobe的Flash平台的互動電影,並嵌入在自己的網站.

他希望把他的網站上的一個視頻. YouTube的聽起來像一個俗氣的地鐵線路的名稱, 而已. 我們的開發人員必須做出一個Flash影片為, 太.

兵: the little engine thatcouldn’t?

If you’ve bought an electronic device in the last year, you’ll notice that Microsoft is hawking its search engine Bing more than I hawk my products. (On a totally unrelated note, 下載 山羊, my free and open-source flashcard program.)

That’s all well and good, since you’re allowed to advertise, but Microsoft really goes to the extreme:

  1. Microsoft signed a deal with Blackberry so that Bing would be the only search engine available on Blackberrys.
  2. My sister bought a new computer and was offered a free song download if she searched with Bing.

The quest for a decent home page

I’m not sure why home pages were even invented in the first place. 我的意思是, sure, you need a page to open when you boot up your browser, but they just make things, 良好, awkward. Plus they’re not very useful: most of them just serve as a landing page; you don’t really use them except to read news about how kids can’t bring bagged lunch to school (*cough* Yahoo *cough*.) And when you do that kind of stuff, you just get distracted from what you were originally meaning to do all along.

I want to know why that is and how I can help fix it.