To cut to the chase, download the 40+ cute cartoon animals set now, 或 download the cute cartoon animals individually.

Let me be honest with you: 我不能画. 这是我在正确的图纸 (耶, 我在这里一周。) 是啊, it’s pretty awesome…
HOLY COW look at that one on the left. That adorable cow is from the hathix cartoon animal set, a set of 43 cute cartoon animals that’s free to 下载.
是啊, seeing as I can’t draw, 我决定找到了互联网,我可以用一些好的图纸, 山羊… 耶, 我用他们无处不在, 并有很好的理由 – 他们真棒.
而现在… 可爱的卡通动物
我搜罗互联网 (我看了至少通过 20 图标/美工/卡通目录) 发现每畜力在这同一个可爱的风格. 在我的史诗任务结束时,我发现了一个共 43 可爱的卡通动物. 不是一个坏的长途.
和我的慷慨的, 我为他们提供世界 – 免费, 一个方便的地方. 所有你需要做的是 下载zip文件 并把它解压 (这里有一个教程如何解压文件), 和噗 – 有你 43 可爱的卡通动物, 都在PNG格式和所有250个×250 或更大.
Click the big button below to download the set of 40+ free cute cartoon animals:
UPDATE: you can now download the cute cartoon animals individually! Hooray!
What is the licensing arrangement for these? Presume since you got them from other sites that there is none?
Hi Rob,
These are released under the Creative Commons 3.0 (share-alike) license. Cheers!