BREAKING: 科技巨头推出的智能面包机

A smart toaster: the iToaster, Windows Toaster 8, and Google Toast image picture toast
苹果, 微软, 和谷歌推出的智能烤面包机的计划. 准备 – 这是巨大的.

在加利福尼亚州的某个地方 — 在一个惊人的启示,它的头变成了高科技的世界, 三重奏的科技巨头宣布,计划一个聪明的烤面包机. 苹果, 微软, 和谷歌推出的举办方在本周末的一系列新设备. 这勇敢的记者参加了所有三个.


按照 2012 选举与谷歌的政治竞选跟踪器

TL;博士 -check out Google’s awesome political election tracker

I’m a political junkie, so I’m following this year’s Republican primary process with the fervor with which I, also a baseball fanatic, follow baseballwhich is to say, very much. And the main things in election season to watch out for are the elections themselves – 在今年的情况下,, 每个国家的首要其中共和党候选人竞争.

这些选举是真棒, 但要充分享受这些,我需要统计. 我需要的结果. 我需要的数据. 我需要凉爽图. 我需要一个伟大的政治跟踪器. 所以看我发现了什么:

Google Politics Colorado Primary Result
谷歌的政治选举跟踪显示科罗拉多党团的结果 ( /选举)

Chrome OS: all web, all the time

As you might have noticed, the guys at Google have released (良好, not released, they’ve just publicly shown it for the first time; Chromebooks are coming out on June 15) Chromebooks, which are netbooks that run the Chrome OS.

Chrome OS (official site)

More about the actual computers later; the interesting part about the computer is its operating system. Chrome OS is a completely web-based operating system; it’s nothing but Chrome, Google’s web browser. 这是正确的, the only application on the computer is Chrome.

兵: the little engine thatcouldn’t?

If you’ve bought an electronic device in the last year, you’ll notice that Microsoft is hawking its search engine Bing more than I hawk my products. (On a totally unrelated note, 下载 山羊, my free and open-source flashcard program.)

That’s all well and good, since you’re allowed to advertise, but Microsoft really goes to the extreme:

  1. Microsoft signed a deal with Blackberry so that Bing would be the only search engine available on Blackberrys.
  2. My sister bought a new computer and was offered a free song download if she searched with Bing.

DuckDuckGo的 – 因为最好的东西谷歌

我一直在寻找我的页面分析 (跟踪访问者的网站) 并注意到有人来h​​athix通过DuckDuckGo的. 无聊, 我抬头DuckDuckGo的,我被打动了自动. 这是一个 强大的搜索引擎. 这里的原因.


DuckDuckGo的的得到了这个伟大的功能,让你看到一个问题的一些快速的背景信息,当你搜索了. 如果我想知道纳尔逊·曼德拉是在无需阅读冗长的文章关于种族隔离谁, 南非, ,诸如此类的东西, 我可以DDG它,看看我所得到的: