That’s what computer programmers are calling themselves nowadays. The profession (if you can even call it that) goes by a litany of none-too-glamorous names, such as developer, programmer, engineer, technician, and more stuff that doesn’t quite make you the most popular guy in the room. Hence, a lot of, 呃, programmers (for lack of a better word) go by ninja or such. Which I find slightly annoying – you’re writing code, not killing enemies of the emperor. 但我離題.
So what do a chef, musician, 藝術家, teacher, and inventor have in common with a lowly programmer? They don’t quite have glorious jobs either… But I’ll tell you what. Anyone who’s in one of these fields will tell you they love their job. Most anyone, anyway. 可以肯定的是,因為支付不.
這是因為獎勵. 沒有材料. 那就是你已經達到了給別人的感覺, 直接提高他們的生活的東西你做或做.
教師 (平時) 看到自己的學生學習和提高, 前進中的生活 – 因為他們的.
和發明家 – 他們是直接改善數以百萬計的生命與創作 – 燈泡, 電腦上, 任何.

而這就是一種獎勵,我們的電腦程序員得到. 要知道,你的東西做了正在使用和享受他人. 沒有什麼報價這樣的感覺.
一樣大製作遊戲, it’a not totally rewarding because you know people aren’t really doing that much with it save for, 你知道, wasting their time.
沒有, what’s really rewarding is making software people can actually use to work or learn. Programming languages, education software, heck even a camera app are all useful to millions. And that’s why I love developing 山羊, a flashcard and arising tool which can help anyone improve their learning. It’s like being a teacher, inventor, and chef all rolled into one.

So when I check my email I may not find a statement telling me I earned a few thousand today, but I may find an email from a user relating a personal experience or personal comments on my software. And that’s the most rewarding part of what I do. Knowing that I’m helping someone, with personal, individual proof. Those emails are priceless.
Emails like those are the reason I release all my software free of charge. I want to help people, not my wallet. People – your users – should always come first, whether you’re a chef, inventor, 或, 是的, developer.
People first. That’s why software should be free. Free software is a boon to the community 和 – dare I say it – the world.
Sure, you can say being a developer/coder/programmer/whatever isn’t too glamorous, but with a few lines of code you can touch the world. Not bad for a day’s work.
…can I refer to you as sensei then?