Neka izvor bude s tobom: uvod u open source softvera

Funny open-source cartoon with Tux
Open source softvera: svako može uređivati ​​i učiniti ga još više super. Evo oronulom zašto.

Open source softvera. Sounds like another tech buzzword like agile development, MVC okvira, vodopad modela, i tako dalje.

Ali stvarno, it’s much more cool than all of those.

Jednostavno rečeno, open source software is software that anyone can edit. And because of that, it’s awesome. Read on to see how your favorite open source software (Firefox and Android, na primjer) works.

How it works

I think it’s easiest to explain open-source software with a little story. Get some popcornthis has action, drama, and copyright infringement.