Resurrection, and updates

I could tell from the sheer number of WordPress updates that awaited me that it’s certainly been a while since I wrote here on this blog. But part of my pre-New Year’s resolution is to start writing here more – hopefully I can develop some more interesting ideas and keep growing as a writer.

I’ve learned a ton from my first semester at Harvard – where I think I’ll study computer science, though I don’t declare a major till next year – and I’ve developed an interest in seeing how technology impacts other fields – politics, economics, obrazovanje, sports, štogod – in addition to technology for its own sake. So with this reboot of the blog, so to speak, I’ll work to explore the intersection of technology and other fields.’s second birthday & year in review

happy birthday cake elephant box cartoon
That’s one lucky elephant. is finishing up its 2nd year of existence. As has become tradicija, Ja sam stvaranje blog post naglašavajući sve što sam učinio u posljednjih godinu i uzimanje pogled na ono što je u spremištu za sljedeću godinu.

Provjeriti Prošlogodišnja rekapitulacija – prvi – i slijedi me u nekim statistikama i vijesti iz je sophomore godini.

‘Tis the seasonto not visit websites

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the life of a web developer.

Vi mislite da bi da bi ljudi ići na internet s tom sjajnom novom telefon / tablete / tostera su dobili za vrijeme blagdana.

Očigledno, nitko ne da. Evo pogled na moje najnovije hitove (Ne bend putovanja, Mislim broj posjetitelja

hathix visitors graph
Kao svečani duh ide gore, posjeta na web stranice ide dolje.

Iz onoga što sam vidio, čini se da je slučaj s prilično mnogo svake web stranice i app: posjeta ili preuzimanja naglo smanjiti tijekom blagdana. Za ono što je vrijedno, things return right back to normal once the new year begins.

Sorry for downtimealso, props to WebHostingHub

A closed box package cartoon clip art
Error 404, elephant not found

TL; had some downtime but my super-helpful host WebHostingHub cleared it up immediately. Also, I apologize for the fanboyishnessit’s just that WHH is that awesome.

I was recently working with some so-called cutting-edge web programming techniques (parsing JSON using PHP from client requests using JavaScript and jQuerytold you it was gory) and realized I needed a new version of some software na the server that hathix lives on.

Introducing Sprinkle Safari, a web adventure game

Elephant with donut icon png
Logo za Sprinkle Safari, strašan web igru ​​konačno pušten u javnost.

Imam prljavu malu tajnu. Dobro, Ne tako prljava, stvarno, više… kremast. Šećerni. Sijed. Pospite-y.

Ovdje je: za prošlu godinu i više(computer searching reveals since January 29, 2011 – čak i prije nego osnovana), I’ve been working nonstop on alittleweb-based adventure game. And it’s never been formally released to the public until now.

Here’s a look at the making of the game. It’s taken 16 months and over 100 hours of development.

Cabra osvaja PA visoke škole računalo sajam

A cute goat cartoon with big eyes
Blejati s povjerenjem, klinac.

Shameless oglas: Preuzmite Čabra, nedavno nagrađivani flashcard programa!

Jarac, moj iznenađujuće korisna flashcard programa, je novi pero u kapu. To je sada također nagrađivani flashcard programa. Nisam klinac-zvoniti (Žao mi je zbog koza dosjetka.)

Ovaj ožujka sam podijelio Čabra na mom regionalnoj računala sajmu (pod pokroviteljstvom Županije Srednja jedinici) i bio je nagrađen na izlet na državnom računalnom sajmu.

To me dovodi do jučer, Kada sam stigao u Dickinson College u Carlisle, PA. Veliki kampus (Dickinson je 16. najstarije koledž u narodu) i lijepo mali grad. To je manji faksu, ali vrlo dobro smatrati, , a sadržaji su super za svrhu Sajma.

Sretan prvi rođendan,! Godine u pregledu

Cute elephant in box with birthday cake and hat
Blow out those candles, cause is turning 1 year old!

Can you believe it? is turning 1 year old- yup, it was registered exactly a year ago todayah, fond memories! In just a year, has gone from just a thought in my head to a full-fledged (and hopefully good) web stranica.

Znate, teško mi je zamisliti život prije nego što sam imao hathix – ali to je bilo prije godinu dana. Moji roditelji kažu da je osjetio isto; to je teško za njih zamisliti život prije djece. U svakom slučaju.