hathix.com’S 最初の誕生日は明日です, ので、私はそれに贈り物を得ている祝うために – 全く新しい外観! hathix 3.0, コードネーム ケーキ, 古いバージョンのカラースキームを保持している (適切な名前 hathix 2.1 “露の玉”) しかし、ここで風通しの良い新しい外観、スポーツ 清潔でエレガントな. 見てみる (または それを試してみる):
日: theme
よく, the host switch went nearly seamlessly (so seamlessly, 実際には, that I have no idea if the switch actually happened.) As promised, here’s something big for you.
If you’ve ever viewed the hathix.com home page, you’ll notice how horrible it looks. Or used to look.

Not very pretty, 右? よく, it wasn’t supposed to be. I just threw together some code to make the site work; the look wasn’t at all important.
Well I soon realized that a) this horribly ugly look was probably hurting the site and b) I had some spare time on my hands. So I wrote some new code for the site and here’s what I got: