BREAKING: 科技巨頭推出的智能烤麵包機

A smart toaster: the iToaster, Windows Toaster 8, and Google Toast image picture toast
蘋果, 微軟, 和谷歌推出的智能烤麵包機的計劃. 準備 – 這是巨大的.

在加利福尼亞州的某個地方 — 在一個驚人的啟示,它的頭變成了高科技的世界, 三重奏的科技巨頭宣布,計劃一個聰明的烤麵包機. 蘋果, 微軟, 和谷歌持有的發射方本週末的一系列新設備. 這勇敢的記者參加了所有三個.


我的 2013 美國職棒大聯盟的預測

棒球 – quite possibly the greatest thing invented by humanity.

It’s that time of year. Lush green grass, clay-red warning track and infield, pristine white bases, sizzling hot dogs, icy slushies, the crack of wood. Baseball season.

And today’s opening day. 授, there’s only one game today, but it counts. (Most teamsfirst game of the season is tomorrow, April 1st.) Regardless, today is a great day for all baseball fans, including me.

Background info: there are 30 teams in the MLB (major league baseball), and each plays 162 games in the regular season. The teams are split into 6 divisions of 5 teams each. The teams in each division with the most wins, 加 4 wild-card teams, move on to the playoffs.

Many baseball fans and expertsincluding metake this time to predict how many games each team will win this season, as well as which team willwintheir division. 有 2,430 games in the regular season, so we just concern ourselves with that for now. Playoff stuff comes later.

I’m a big baseball fan, so I figure this year I’ll chime in with my predictions and picks for who wins the division. I’m just a humble fannot even close to an expertso take my predictions with a grain of salt.

I’ve written down how I think each team will do (wins/losses), plus some analysis that’s loaded with baseball jargon. Avoid the analysis if you don’t know too much about baseball. Remember that the top team in every division (rank 1) gets to move on to the playoffs, so everyone is fighting for that spot.

和, 事不宜遲, my predictions & picks.

hathix.com的第二個生日 & 於回顧年度內

happy birthday cake elephant box cartoon
That’s one lucky elephant.

hathix.com完成了其存在的第2年. 由於已經成為 傳統, 我的博客文章強調我所做的一切在過去的一年,明年看看什麼.

退房 去年我們回顧一下 – 有史以來第一次 – 跟著我到一些統計數據與新聞從hathix.com的大學二年級.

'提斯的季節… 不能訪問網站

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the life of a web developer.


顯然地, 沒人知道,. 下面就來看看我的最新單曲 (不帶類型, 我的意思是遊客人數

hathix visitors graph
作為節日的精神“, 訪問網站下去.

從我所看到的, 這似乎是幾乎每一個網站和應用程序的情況下,: 節日期間訪問或下載大幅減少. 對於它的價值, things return right back to normal once the new year begins.


這是VLC的審查, 一個免費的多媒體播​​放電影和音樂. 在這裡下載.

節日快樂! 一起去你最喜歡的電影的DVD, 你最喜歡的樂隊的CD, 醜陋的毛衣你最喜歡的阿姨, 這裡有一個程序的: VLC!

VLC是一個 免費, 開源的多媒體程序的任何操作系統 (視窗, 蘋果, Linux的, 甚至 Android的) 該 可以播放電影, 音樂, 整個九碼. 我說過它是免費的?


Google Android and Apple iOS fighting
移動過, Android和iOS. 你有公司.

現在, 如果你想要買一個智能手機,您有兩個主要選項: iPhone和Android. 如果你感覺勇敢, 的Windows Phone. 品種不多.


來年要釋放 新, 免費智能手機操作系統 似乎將改變世界的智能手機 – 為更有效地. 讓我們來看看.


Ubuntu的, 廣流行 開放原始碼作業系統的計算機 has been spreading rumors that they’re going to release a version of the operating system for smartphones. The phones aren’t out yet but folks around the internet say they’re definitely in the works.


The young man had finished his arduous training period of ten years. The grizzled old man next to him, his tutor, had devoted himself to teaching his pupil the arcane art, an art known only to a select few. Ten years of intense physical labor, deep within the mysterious dungeons and high atop the silver mountains, had finally prepared the battle-scarred young man. He was prepared to unleash his mastery of the dangerous art few knew even existed.

Computer science.