在互聯網上的自我表達: 混合的方法?

The internet should help you express yourself easily and ensure you have control over the content and quality of your writings. But is that possible?

The internet has always been called the great platform for self-expression. The claim goes that you no longer need to be talented and lucky enough to get your work into a book or newspaper or magazine; anyone can publish anything to the internet, and if it’s good enough, it can get found.

It’s definitely true that the cost of self-expression has gone down with the internet, so people are much more likely and able to use it to publish their ideas. (The idea of economic cost, or amount of effort it takes to do something, is a very powerful one, 的方式. When it gets easier to do something, that thing explodes in popularity. It’s pretty self-evident, but it’s a powerful way of looking at things like the rise of self-expression with the internet.)

two main ways of publishing content online:

  • Publishing independently (making your own platform)
  • Using someone else’s platform (hosted publishing)

Both of these fall short of the goal of allowing for easy self-publishing. 我覺得, 雖然, 該 there’s room for a hybrid that would bring the best of both.

如何使一個網站, 部分 1

我不知道你有沒有聽說過它, 但有這個東西叫互聯網,人們這幾天傾向於使用大量的. 正如我以前說過, 這是非常重要的今天到現在如何開發為Web.

所以有什麼更好的方式來學習和實踐的web開發技能, 而所有世界上最大的平台上製作自己的名字, 而不是創建一個網站?

這是首次在一個系列的教程,我會告訴你, 漸次, 如何從頭開始構建一個真棒網站.

讓我們去, 我.


假設你想要寫關於你的寵物如何真棒烤麵包機,並發布給大家看. 說,你想使一個應用程序,用戶可以在那裡與他們自己的虛擬寵物烤麵包機. 說你要開始在網上賣寵物烤麵包機,一旦你說服了大家,他們是如何真棒.

在這種情況下, 我可能會有點擔心你的理智. 但, 更重要的是, 你想要 學習一些Web開發 – 亦即, 像你創建網頁的藝術現在正在查看.

Twitter的教程,適合初學者: 部分 1

Twitter's new Logo, the Blue Bird
Twitter是一個非常強大的社會 & 新聞聯播 – 你只需要學習如何使用它.

Twitter是一個巨大的社會網絡為追趕的最新 - 哦嘿, 我有一個新的鳴叫! 是在第二.

哎呦, 遺憾. 正如我說的, 嘰嘰喳喳, 的 “其他” 社交網絡, 是一個令人難以置信的快速和容易的方式去追趕上所有的新聞 這是適合輸入 在一個方便的地方. 但, 為了充分利用#迷死是Twitter, 你必須學習一些. 幸運的是, @我做了一個@你正在閱讀. #whatluck

HTML5, CSS3, 和JavaScript: 捲筒紙的未來

在我開始之前, 一個簡短的通過歷史之旅…

這是 1999. Internet Explorer的 5 是熱的東西, 科技股泡沫越來越大. 和Mariano Rivera是聯賽最有價值球員. 而年輕 (喘氣。)

Web開發人員坐在他的電腦, 喝咖啡並編寫一些代碼. 他想使基於瀏覽器的遊戲. 他能做到這一點的唯一途徑是使用Adobe的Flash平台的互動電影,並嵌入在自己的網站.

他希望把他的網站上的一個視頻. YouTube的聽起來像一個俗氣的地鐵線路的名稱, 而已. 我們的開發人員必須做出一個Flash影片為, 太.

兵: the little engine thatcouldn’t?

If you’ve bought an electronic device in the last year, you’ll notice that Microsoft is hawking its search engine Bing more than I hawk my products. (On a totally unrelated note, 下載 山羊, my free and open-source flashcard program.)

That’s all well and good, since you’re allowed to advertise, but Microsoft really goes to the extreme:

  1. Microsoft signed a deal with Blackberry so that Bing would be the only search engine available on Blackberrys.
  2. My sister bought a new computer and was offered a free song download if she searched with Bing.

Forget flash drives with Dropbox

I’m sure this happens to a lot of people: you have an important file on your flash drive and you need to hand it in, print it out, or take it somewhere else. Only problem? You lose your flash drive. It’s happened to me far too many times.

So that’s why I decided to eschew flash drives and emailing stuff to myself and use the power of the internet.

I found Dropbox的, which lets me access my files from anywhere as long as I have an internet connection. I don’t even need a flash drive any more; I can just store everything I need on my Dropbox account.